Settings Tab


The Settings Tab is where unique settings for the scheduled email report are set up, which includes: the name of the personalized report, Schedule Name, Format, and Email Address(es)


Report Title- The name of the personalized report will show for the email schedule you are creating.


Schedule Name- Enter a name for the email schedule you are creating as we allow users to create more than one schedule. For example you may be emailing a report to the east coast and the west coast. In that instance you would create 2 schedules assigning the appropriate time zone to each email schedule.


Run Report For- Select the time period for the report that will be emailed. The available selections will be based on the report, selections could include: Today, Yesterday, Next Day, Current Pay Period, Previous Pay Period, Current Week, Next Week, Current Month, Previous Month, Next Month or Current Year. Note: Some reports will not have the Run Report For setting such as the Employee Personal Report.


Format- Select the format that you would like to receive the emailed report. The selections are PDF or XLSX.


Email Address(es)- By clicking the + you can add a new row for an email address to be added. Clicking the next to an email address will remove/delete that email from the list. If you are editing an existing schedule, you can use the or + to add/remove email addresses after the schedule has been created. Note: You must use a correctly formatted email addresses.


Wed 03/10/2021